- Sample Ballot
- Recordings
C.R.S. 30-10-101 (2.5)(c) states… The Clerk & Recorder shall not be required to conduct a search of the real estate records in order to locate any document for copying or for any other purpose.
Therefore, we do not perform record searches.
Records are available for public inspection Monday-Friday 8 am – Noon and 1 pm – 4 pm.
- Office Hours & Address
- M-Th 8AM-4PM Closed Fridays396 LaFever St, PO Box 337Walden, CO 80480Please call ahead 970.723.4334
- Marriage Licenses
- HELP Your County Clerk this November
- This November a Referred Measure will be on the ballot allowing Colorado Clerks more time than 4 days to build your ballot.This is yet another way Colorado is seeking to improve our election process!!!!(The "Name" of the Referred Measure has not yet been determined)
- Motor Vehicle Services
You can renew your vehicle registration online!
The Clerk’s office is an agent of the Colorado Department of Revenue for motor vehicle titling and registration.
We do not issue driver’s licenses.
If you have just moved to Jackson County you must register your vehicle within 90 days.
Out-of-state vehicles must schedule a VIN inspection with the Jackson County Sheriff prior to titling. Call 970-723-4242 to schedule.
Motor Vehicle transactions may be performed M-F 8 am – Noon and 1 pm – 4:30 pm. We accept Cash, Check, Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.
All credit card transactions totaling $10.01 or more will be charged a non-refundable portal administration fee of 3.35%.
- Renew Vehicle Registration
- View Current Documents